
GPC According to Task 3.1. of POLINNOVA project IP-BAN purchased and installed a new GPC line equipped with set of detectors: RI, UV and LS, for precise determination of molecular mass characteristics of polymers and polymer materials in solution.

According to implementation of Task 3.2.2. of POLINNOVA Project mass-selective detector was purchased and installed in IP-BAS as an upgrade of an existing apparatus for thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). New mass spectrometer is equipped with gas chromatography system providing additional opportunities for separation and analysis of the released volatile compounds in TGA. With the new equipment compounds at very low concentrations can be detected and installed mass spectral library facilitates their reliable identification.


The system BI-200SM of Brookhaven Instruments allows performing studies of both static light scattering (SLS) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). Within SLS, measurements of scattered light intensity at fixed angles or variable angles over the measurement range from 12 to 155 degrees with a resolution of 0.01 degrees can be carried out. The results from the measurements are interpreted according to the methods of Zimm, Berry, Debye, Guinier, Kratky, etc. Weight average molar mass (Mw), radius of gyration (Rg), and second virial coefficient (A2) of homopolymers, copolymers, and self-assembled structures in solution can be extracted from the data. Within DLS, particles sizes from the lowest nanometer range up to the micrometer range can be calculated via measurements of relaxation time. Relaxation rates, particle sizes, diffusion coefficients, particle size distributions of polymers in solution, colloidal systems, self-assembled and co-assembled structures can be determined.
The system is composed of a 30 mW, 633 nm HeNe laser, a thermostated sample chamber with a vat, containing an index-matching fluid, a continuously working filtration unit, and an avalanche photo diode detector, installed on a rotating arm.

dma dma1

DMA Q 800 (TA Instruments) is a material characterization tool capable of determining the viscoelastic properties of material as a function of temperature (-150°C to 600°C) or frequency (0.01Hz to 200Hz). Storage modulus, loss modulus, glass transition, crystallinity, cross-linking effects, fatigue and other transitions can be determined with DMA.
Modes of DMA and clamping guide for different sample types:
1. Cantilever (Single/ Dual) – for general purpose mode:
- Dual cantilever is suitable for highly damped materials and to study cure of supported materials.
- Single cantilever is useful for most neat thermoplastics and stiffer materials.
2. Three-point bending – for medium to high modulus materials.
3. Compression – for low to medium modulus materials.
4. Shear sandwich – provides shear moduli: G*, G’, G” and G(t). For testing highly damped soft solids. shear moduli
5. Tension – for thin films and fibers with high modulus.
ACS-3 (TA Instruments): Air chiller system for use with the DMA Q800. Gas flow cooling system is equipped with a three-stage cascading compressor design, enabling testing to temperatures as low as -100°C.

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