The Institute of Polymers – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IP-BAS) announces the availability of three positions for experienced researchers

The Institute of Polymers – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IP-BAS) announces the availability of three positions for experienced researchers. The positions are funded within POLINNOVA project by the European Commission under the Capacities program.

The successful candidates are expected to conduct original research in collaboration with the departments of IP-BAS in the research areas of
(i) Nanosized and nanostructured polymer materials
(ii) Characterization methods for polymer materials
(iii) Polymer materials for biomedical applications
and to contribute actively to the activities planned in the context of the POLINNOVA project (scientific publications, patent applications, participations in conferences, meetings and events, preparation of educational and scientific materials, preparation of project proposals, student advising).

Eligible applicants are at career stage of experienced researcher: PhD in a relevant field to the above mentioned; at least 3 years experience in the corresponding field after obtaining the PhD degree. Individuals with a good academic track record as well as leadership and management skills are sought.

Funds for these positions are available until September 30, 2015. Contracts will be signed starting from November 2013.

Salary: € 34,220 per annum in equivalent of Bulgarian currency gross estimate before deduction of taxes.

The applications including
i. curriculum vitae
ii. description of previous research (max 2 pages)
iii. list of publications
iv. names and contact addresses (e-mail) of two academic referees
should be addressed to Prof. Stanislav Rangelov and sent via email in one single PDF to before September 15, 2013. Short-listed candidates will be invited for personal interviews that will be held at the beginning of October 2013.

Questions regarding the positions can be directed to Prof. Stanislav Rangelov at e-mail, tel: +359 2 9792293.

More information is available at

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